Kappella Kyrie Slavic Chamber Choir presents “Praise” on May 13, 2023

Kappella Kyrie Slavic Chamber Choir is pleased to present PRAISE with special guests Shumayela, an Edmonton-based choir for treble and changing voices, part of the Kokopelli Choir family. The concert will be held on May 13 at 7:30 PM, at the First Presbyterian Church (10025 105 Street).

The evening’s program is centred on American composer Leonard Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms. Leonard Bernstein was born to Ukrainian-Jewish parents from Rivne, Ukraine. Kappella Kyrie and Shumayela will perform a version scored for organ, harp, and percussion, with a treble solo performed by Shumayela’s young soloist, Alena Malykhina. Shumayela and Kappella Kyrie will also jointly perform Grammy-nominated composer, Benedict Sheehan’s “Second Antiphon” and Brazilian composer Ernani Aguiar’s Salmo 150.

This program aims to feature living composers. Psalm texts are prolific in the services of the Eastern Christian Church and will include excerpts from the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom and Vespers from Ukrainian-Canadian composer Roman Hurko, two Grammy-nominated composers, Benedict Sheehan and Kurt Sander, among others. Tickets for PRAISE are $25 (general admission), $20 (student/senior), and free for 12 and under. Tickets are available in advance online at eventbrite.ca or at the door. 

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